Principal's Address

September 11, 2023

Dear Explorations Academy School Community:

Welcome back to a new and exciting school year! Words cannot express how happy I am to begin this next chapter of my career as the Principal of Explorations Academy. Each of you has already made this transition smooth, warm, and welcoming. I am both honored and humbled by this opportunity to continue the important work that we do, together, as partners in education.

I am proud to announce that we are expanding our program offerings and have recently created a new specialized Ed. Opt. program entitled, “The Expo Conservatory Theater (E.C.T.).” This acting program will provide students with professional actor training and a deep sense of love and appreciation for the performing arts. Together with our extraordinary and nationally recognized Computer Science and Technology program, there is something for everyone here at Expo!

I am so fortunate to have been afforded the chance to work with such a dynamite and dynamic community of committed and caring pedagogues, school support staff, families, guardians, and students.

Here at Expo, our goal is to ensure a safe, inclusive, culturally responsive environment, where our school community embraces and demonstrates respect for all. In this way, with targeted support from our diligent and innovative staff, we can ensure all students learn and achieve at high levels so that they can grow to become reflective thinkers and problem solvers, skilled in both literacy and numeracy.

Through our highly varied and enriching courses of study, coupled with our belief in exploring learning beyond the traditional classroom, I am confident that as a school community, we will set sail on a dazzling voyage filled with wonder, fulfillment, challenge, and triumph–and most of all, we will ensure further social, emotional, and academic success for our students. Together, we will empower our scholars with the academic prowess and sense of self-possession to become college and career-ready and make indelible contributions as citizens of the world.

I am certain that this school year will be an incredibly enriching one, filled with positivity, a deep sense of community, exploration, and a relentless pursuit of academic excellence.

Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Have a wonderful school year!


–Mr. Steven Remeika
