*Uniform Policy*

Expo School Uniform Policy 


Our school dress code policy requires students to report daily in approved Expo attire in which they wear our school colors: blue, black, gray, or khaki. Please see our school uniform guidelines below… 


Approved Shirts:  


Blue shirts with or without the school logo; black shirts with or without the school logo; gray shirts with or without the school logo; any shirt gifted by the school (perfect attendance, AP for All, etc.). Students are not permitted to wear shirts with designs or logos on them. All shirts must be plain and solid in color. 


No cropped shirts. No tank tops allowed (except during gym).  




Blue pants (such as jeans); gray pants; black pants; khaki pants. No ripped jeans/pants allowed. If jeans are ripped for “style, something must cover the hole such as a patch or the student must wear material underneath to cover exposed skin. No skin should be showing. Sweatpants are permitted (solid dark colors: blue, black, and gray).  


No Spandex, leggings, or jeggings. No sagging pants  




Skirts are permitted but must cover up to the knees and pass the “fingertip test.” Skirts must be blue, black, or gray 


Violating the Uniform Policy…  


If students do not come to school in uniform, parents/guardians will receive a phone call home and will be asked to bring the appropriate attire/uniform (as outlined above) to the school.  


If the parent/guardian cannot make it to the school, the student’s I.D. card will be collected and the student will be provided with a “loaner” uniform for the day that must be worn and returned by the end of the day at dismissal.  


This infraction will be logged. If this policy is violated for a second time, the student will receive two days of lunch detention. 


If this infraction happens for a third time, a meeting with the parent/guardian will be scheduled to discuss the student’s insubordination and devise an action plan to support the student in following school rules